Wednesday, April 22, 2015


Back row:  Tom Orsi, XXX, Bebe Pierce, XXX, Chris Klerkin, XXX, and Rich Foley
Front row:  XXX, Jim Wilson, Jerry Novakowski, XXX, XXX, XXX,XXX,XXX, XXX, and Mark Francisco
Sales Managers' Meeting in Belmont


JVW said...

In the front row I believe that is Jim Wilson second from the left and Jerry Novakowske (sp?) third from left, and that is definitely Mark Francisco at the end of the row on the right.

Unknown said...

Back row from left:
2--Vickie Chamberlain Judy
4--Paul Murphy
5--Janet Kerekes (not Kris Clerkin)
6--Amy Ness

Front row:
1--Phil Rudder
4--Rob McCrary (sp?)
5--Pat Brown
6--Cherie Marchio
9--Tom Wilson
10--Mark Francisco