Tuesday, March 22, 2016


Publisher's College with Front Row:  Diana Rothberg, Sue Ewing, Marlene Thom, Stephanie Surfus, Peggy Hopp  2nd Row:  John Kellam, Phil Curson, Marty Kast, Jerry Levine, Neil Oatley, Jonelle Calon, XX, Jane Townsend, Heather Bennett, XX,


Peggy Jackson Hopp said...

Sorry, Jerry Levine is between Marty Kast and the guy in the back, Neil (can't remember his last name.)

Peggy Jackson Hopp said...

Event: Other
IT Dept.

Unknown said...

Heather Bennett

Unknown said...

Neil Oatley

Unknown said...

Sue Ewing in the front row, I think. Marlene Thom next to her.

Elizabeth Giraud said...


I only met Heather Bennett once, many years ago, when I wanted so badly to get a job as a sales rep in publishing. We had a dinner that was very memorable to me -- I guess I was impressed by her kindness and unassuming manner. I always remembered her and for a number of years she served on the SLC school board. I'm sorry to say that this morning's Salt Lake Tribune carried an article regarding her recent death. Below is the link:
